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Pieter Bruegel the Elder: at the Kunsthistorisches Museum in Vienna

Тема в разделе "Иностранная литература", создана пользователем Aleksejval1, 16 янв 2016.

  1. Aleksejval1

    Aleksejval1 Школьник

    Seipel Wilfred
    Pieter Bruegel the Elder: at the Kunsthistorisches Museum in Vienna


    Издательство: SKIRA
    Жанр: SKIRA

    Качество: Хорошее
    Страниц: 164
    Формат: pdf, fb2, epub

    Pieter Bruegel the Elder (1528/30-1569) is one of the best-loved artists in the history of Western art. Famous for having elevated the status of landscape painting until it became a virtually independent genre, he is also considered to be the greatest 16th-century Flemish master of scenes from ordinary life. This volume presents the collection of paintings by Pieter Bruegel the Elder belonging to the Kunsthistorisches Museum. It features 12 world-famous masterpieces: The Tower of Babel, Peasant Wedding, Peasant Dance, Hunters in the Snow, Children's Games, The Fight Between Carneval and Lent, The Procession to Calvary, The Gloomy Day, The Return of the Herd, The Peasant and the Nest Robber, The Conversion of St Paul and Suicide of Saul.


  2. Freeserg

    Freeserg Букварик

    Спасибо, скачал.
  3. Aleksejval1

    Aleksejval1 Школьник

    Все? Можно удалять? :)

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