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The Compelled

Тема в разделе "Разное", создана пользователем Cruze1, 10 май 2016.

  1. Cruze1

    Cruze1 Школьник

    Smith L.J.
    The Compelled


    Издательство: Gardners
    Жанр: Gardners

    Качество: Хорошее
    Страниц: 272
    Формат: pdf, fb2, epub

    Stefan Salvatore has always had an uneasy relationship with his brother Damon. But when Damon is taken captive by Samuel — a vampire from Katherine's past bent on revenge — Stefan is determined to rescue him before it is too late... even if it means seeking help from the most unlikely of places. Stefan forms a tentative alliance with a coven of witches in order to save his brother, only to learn that Samuel's end game is far more sinister then they could have imagined. With Samuel on the brink of securing unlimited power, the brothers are in for their deadliest battle yet. Full of dark shadows and surprising twists, the final book in the latest arc of Stefan's Diaries series raises the stakes for the Salvatore brothers as they face unimaginable threats. Fans of the Vampire Diaries series and the hit television show won't be able to put the Salvatores' latest adventure down.


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