Advance Your English Workbook

Discussion in 'Иностранная литература' started by Maxigor, Feb 13, 2015.

  1. Maxigor

    Maxigor Букварик

    Advance Your English Workbook

    Издательство: Cambridge University Press
    Жанр: Cambridge University Press

    Качество: Хорошее
    Страниц: 64
    Формат: pdf, fb2, epub

    Advance Your English is the ideal coursebook for advanced level students who don't have time to complete a lengthy English course, but who want to maintain or develop their language level using fresh, varied, concise material. Providing approximately 40 hours of classroom teaching time, Advance Your English covers a rich diversity of topics which will engage and motivate students at this level. The course contains 16 short units, each organised into two lessons to give students a satifying sense of pace and achievement. Reading, writing, listening and speaking to grammar is inductive, and students are offered extensive opportunities for manipulating and practising new language. The course also contains regular study skills sections which promote independent, active language acquisition.


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