New Interchange 1 Workbook

Discussion in 'Иностранная литература' started by Georgio, Sep 15, 2013.

  1. Georgio

    Georgio Букварик

    New Interchange 1 Workbook


    Издательство: Cambridge University Press
    Жанр: Cambridge University Press

    Качество: Хорошее
    Страниц: 100
    Формат: pdf, fb2, epub

    New Interchange is a multi-level series for adult and young adult learners of English from the beginning to the high-intermediate level. The Workbook has six-page units that follow the same sequence as the Student's Book. It has interesting grammar, vocabulary, and writing activities, appropriate for classwork or homework. It also has numerous reading passages that recycle and review language from previous units.


  2. Tsypa

    Tsypa Книжный волшебник

  3. Hyandex

    Hyandex Школьник


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