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El caballero de Olmedo

Тема в разделе "Иностранная литература", создана пользователем Lirikis, 10 сен 2016.

  1. Lirikis

    Lirikis Букварик

    Lope de Vega
    El caballero de Olmedo


    Издательство: Grupo Anaya
    Жанр: Grupo Anaya

    Качество: Хорошее
    Страниц: 144
    Формат: pdf, fb2, epub

    El Caballero de Olmedo is a history play, a retelling of a folk talk, a celebrated piece of Golden Age drama, and also an intense mediation upon the power of desire, the deceits of eroticism and literary convention, the injustice of a world obsessed with appearance, and the tragic potential inherent in the courting of beautiful women. The introduction sets this play within the context of Baroque eroticism and sexual mores as well as dramatic practice. The text is presented with glosses to words unfamiliar to undergraduate students; the notes comprise summaries of acts and scenes from a dramatic point of view, and in-depth notes to problematic passages in the text, written with an undergraduate readership in mind.


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